Call for Papers
The call for papers has now closed.

Conference themes and topics
Papers should address one of the topics listed below and can describe a wide range of research including empirical or theoretical studies.
Collaborations between disciplines for Inclusive Education
Conceptualisations of inclusive education across settings and stakeholder groups
Inclusive Education and disability
Inclusive Education and environmental risk
Inclusive Education and Human Rights
Inclusive Education and leadership
Inclusive Education and mental health
Inclusive Education and neurodiversity
Inclusive Education and the criminal justice system
Inclusive Education and the family
Inclusive Education in low- and middle-income countries and the Global South
Inclusive Education in post-16 contexts and adulthood
Inclusive Education in primary and secondary school settings
Inclusive Education in specialised settings
Inclusive Education in the early years
Inclusive Education Policy
Interventions to promote Inclusive Education
The involvement of children and young people in promoting Inclusive Education
The role of co-production for inclusive education